Friday, January 24, 2014

January, 24 :- The Letter Of Termination!!!!.....

This post is the consequence of what happened in the last post. Yesterday I shared about our lecturer, making humorous mistakes. As all the students were making fun, the teacher didn't gave us that period's attendance and we all were furious about that. Actually the main reason for her to not give us attendance as talking we all were doing while she was teaching, but any one us couldn't resist a laugh after her 'Blunder'.
So as a result of that one of my friends went to the HOD and he told us to write a letter for getting our attendance. The contents of the letter should be a promise that the students will not make a single noise in the class when somebody is teaching. Instead of that,
one of us wrote a letter for changing the teacher and assign a new teacher instead. So the letter was circulated through the whole class and many signed that letters. But the climax was that when the letter was checked again it was found that it is not right.

The contents of the letter were about the spelling mistakes that the teacher made and for that she should be changed. So we decided that this reason is not enough and ripped that letter apart. And before they did that, I was able to get a clear picture of that letter. And here it is:-->

This letter is the reason for today's title "The Letter Of Termination!!!!.....". I have blacked some words for the teacher's identity's sake, so don't mind............

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